The White Vipers

As part one of my Red Corsairs fluff it is only fair that I start at the beginning. Here is some background on the White Vipers, the Loyalist chapter from which Imarkad descended.


- White Vipers -

White Vipers
Founding Chapter:Imperial Fists
Founding:Unknown, after Age of Apostasy 
Known Descendants:Serpents of Khadingria (Chaos Warband)
Chapter Master:Chapter Master Iauzu
Homeworld:Fleet Based, formally Khadingria
Fortress-Monastery:Scales of Integrity
Colours:Jade green, left arm grey; helmet stripe in company colour; gold aquila. Symbol is a white snake on a grey background.
Specialty:Boarding actions
Strength:120 Marines, 200 Primaris
Battle Cry:None

The White Vipers are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter formed following the Age of Apostasy. The White Vipers were almost wiped out and its homeworld annihilated when the 4th Company turned traitor and attacked the Fortress-Monastery with help from Red Corsairs forces. Yet with help from the Storm Lords, and Cawl’s Primaris technology, the Chapter has been rebuilt as a fleet based force.

In addition to raiding Red Corsair ships, the White Vipers often defend Imperial trade routes, building a great relationship with the Adeptus Administratum. These relationships have further ensured the survival of the chapter, with equipment being dispatched at the earliest opportunity.

Chapter History

Formed from Imperial Fist Geneseed, the White Vipers at first had the stoic and reserved demeanour of their progenitor. Attention to detail was of the upmost importance, battle plans being revised up to the evening of attack, and then implemented with mechanical precision.

The residents of their homeworld of Khadingria had developed a culture around balance. For each plant dug up, another was planted, for each minute in battle was a minute of contemplation.

Every aspect of forthcoming battles was planned to minute precision. With plans performed to the letter, without addition or subtraction.

This practice continued until the rebuilding following the destruction caused by the Fourth Company’s treachery.

Betrayal of the Fourth Company

After a mission to halt a Dark Eldar raid on an Imperial outpost, Captain Imarkad was frustrated at the Chapter Master Iauzu’s orders to halt a counter attack that could have destroyed the entirety of the retreating Xenos force. On the voyage back to Khadingria, Imarkad’s period of contemplation was interrupted by voices from the warp. They encouraged his seething, forming plans and images of betrayal and ultimate control of his own destiny.

As penance for his outburst to the Chapter Master, Captain Imarkad was tasked in leading the 2nd & 6th Squads, Fourth Company to investigate a distress call on Nannak, a forest moon previously thought uninhabited by humans. On landfall they were attacked by a giant forest wyrm, incapacitating the squads’ Rhinos. Proceeding on foot they found a large clearing, a smouldering fire in the centre.

Imarkad led the squads forward towards the fire, where they happened upon fourteen hooded men. Without warning the largest of the men struck a black bell. Hundreds of thousands of flies swarmed around the Marines and hooded men. The flies entered the Marines’ masks and any bare skin, attacking from the inside outwards. The Marines fired their bolters at the hooded men, but where bullets hit, the flesh dissipated into foul black fluid. As the bodily fluid hit the ground, Plaguebearers emerged, their swords scything down the White Vipers.

The man with the bell revealed himself to be a Chaos Sorcerer of the Red Corsairs. Imarkad was surrounded by Plaguebearers, yet unscathed. He had thrown his lot in with Chaos long before. The slain White Vipers were reborn as Plague Marines with Imarkad as a Champion of Chaos, imbued with ruinous powers.

With the Plague Marines, Red Corsair allies, and untold numbers of cultists, Imarkad led his force in an assault on the White Vipers fortress-monastery. The White Vipers were repelling the attack, until the remainder of the Fourth Company attacked from within. They attacked with no remorse, taking over the Vox system and broadcasting offers of reprieve for surrender. The surviving 2nd company members, along with the initiates of the 6th company threw down their weapons.

Chapter Master Iauzu led the 1st and 3rd Company in a retreat towards the chapter’s Thunderhawk hanger, shepherding hundreds of civilians with them. Under fire from the Red Corsairs lascannons, the Thunderhawks managed to escape into orbit to the severely damaged Scales of Integrity.

Rebuilding of the Chapter

The White Vipers craft fled the system and had their distress beacon answered by a ship from the Storm Lords chapter. The Storm Lords and Adeptus Administratum restocked the chapter with equipment and rehoused the civilians on Imperial planets. Iauzu swore an oath to repay the Storm Lords, with the White Vipers embarking on a 10 year campaign to wipe out Orks from the moons of Sarrogan.

After the campaign the White Vipers saw their numbers swell with the addition of Cawl’s Primaris Marines. The survivors of both the rebellion and campaign formed the new First Company, “The Fangs of Khadingria”, with the Primaris Marines forming the Second and Third companies.

The chapter, now Fleet based, defends Imperial trade routes from attack, be they Xenos or Chaotic in nature. Relying on close ranged fire power; they board enemy craft and perform surgical strikes on the command deck and engines.

Notable Battles

  • Annexation of Doffad 12: Quelled an anti-Imperial uprising on the world of Doffad 12

  • Battle at Filtesst Septenous: Rescued an Imperial city from a Dark Eldar raiding force

  • Betrayal of Khadingria: Captain Imarkad led the 4th Company in a rebellion against the rest of the Chapter, with support from Red Corsair forces. The majority of the Chapter was slain or fell to Chaos

  • Sarrogan Crusade: Joined the Storm Lords in a decade long crusade to destroy Orks on the moons of the planet Sarrogan


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