The Story Black Library Doesn't Want You To See!

Well my Black Library story was rejected. I will try again for the Open Submissions, but for now, here is the piece I entered:

Overview is a Goblin Blood Bowl team, sick of being the lowest rank team in the league, decide to try and steal the playbook of the Middenheim Marauders!


The night fell over Middenheim and the brutal weather buffeted every inch with icy hail. A bastion built in the shadow of the great Ulricsbane mountain, Middenheim was renowned for its tough men, born in the bitter climate. In the center of the city stood the great Temple of the White Wolf, a giant monument to Ulric, the Wolf God.

[caption id="attachment_314" align="alignnone" width="3000"]Black Library - Middenheim Copyright - Games Workshop[/caption]

High up on a statue of a giant wolf stood a figure, its wings outstretched, a silhouette in the moonlight. Surveying the city below, It flapped its wings a few times and then leapt. Downwards the figure soared, wings pummeled by the harsh weather. A gust of wind sent the winged creature majestically skybound, the only living thing in a treacherous stormy sky. It turned swiftly, wings pulled back, ready for the descent. It had found a target. The figure plunged, startling a local guard as it scraped by a fortress parapet. The guard’s question of “was that a bat?” was left with an unknown answer as the thing sped by. Faster it flew. A speeding bullet across the night sky. Faster. Like a heroic eagle, or a dragon of old, or… the figure let out a high pitched cry and smashed into the side of the Middenheim Arena wall. The Goblin’s body slid down to the ground. A pile of blood, bones and tattered leather wings, barely held together in a crude harness.

[caption id="attachment_313" align="alignnone" width="1920"]Black Library - Doom Diver Copyright - Games Workshop[/caption]

Four more goblins emerged from the shadows of the grand stadium, the largest screaming expletives into the air as he ran. “Damnit!” the goblin screeched, kicking out at a passing by alley cat. The cat turned and hissed, causing the goblin to take a step back. The goblin pulled a rock from his coat pocket, Halfling made, stolen, and threw it at the cat, causing it to scurry away down the road. He always carried a rock in his pocket. Better to be prepared. “‘Ere, Zaggit,” said another goblin,”What we going to do now?” Zaggit thumbed his chin, scratched his head, he couldn’t tell the coach they had failed. Not again. And they needed a new doom diver. “We’ll work this out. There must be another way into the stadium.” Zaggit paced backwards and forth, shivering in the grim weather. The other two goblins, Skab and Skrin, were already stripping the diver of his clothes and belongings, a fist fight starting over a particularly large flask of Shroomshine. “Dagg, you head back with those two,” Zaggit said, eying up the Middenheim Stadium’s large walls, “Bring back some rope, mushrooms and a squig. I've got an idea.”


So there you have it. This was the story I would have expanded. A slapstick crime caper, with Goblins galore!

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For more Blood Bowl action:

Listen to the Two Drunk Flings podcast here

Listen to the Anything But A One podcast here


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